For the past 24 years Harvest FWB Child Care Ministries has had one mission – children! For 24 years, it has been our goal to provide a healthy, Christian home environment, caring parents, and a wholesome family life for the children in our care. We are one of the few children’s homes that still exists and one of the fewer that still use the “houseparent model.” In our long-term homes, house parents live-in with the kids to simulate what real family life looks like. We live together, work together, eat together, and recreate together. We share joys and sorrows, good days and bad, sickness and health, conflicts and resolutions. At Harvest, we also worship together! We attend church on Sunday and Wednesday and have devotions at night in our homes. We share worship, prayer, praise, and forgiveness! To sum it all up we share life!

During these past 24 years, we have served 1,733 children at our campus in Duffield, VA. Last year alone we were home to 87 different kids. Since our campus in Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico opened in 2007, we have served 118 children there. We count it a privilege to open our homes to children in need; and to love, provide for, and care for them as if they are our own. We also count it a privilege to have you partner with us to make this possible. We could not do this without you. Your faithful support sustains and provides for all that we do here. We count it a privilege that you believe in our kids and us!
Your giving does make a difference and the children do notice. Even though they are unable to tell you themselves and even though they may often take what they have for granted, in the end they realize and appreciate the opportunities they are provided. Occasionally they even tell us so:
Amanda recently wrote, “I spent a couple years here myself – growing up. In the foster homes I bounced around – I can honestly say this was the place where I could call home.”
Thomas posted, “I was there for a few years and I wasn’t the most behaved kid, but you and everyone else there has helped my life in more ways than imaginable, and you helped me go from a kid to a man. Thanks to all you guys.”i>
Amber sent a “thank you” letter recently. In it she said, “I want you to know ‘this place has become my home. In addition, all ‘these people’ has become my family. In the time, I’ve been here you all have done more for me and helped me more than my own family and for that, I will be forever thankful. I will never forget who took me in, cared for me, accepted me, treated me as their own, never gave up on me or lost faith, and always prayed for me. Thank you for everything.”
Thank you for helping us give these children an opportunity for a better life. Not all chose it, but all are afforded the opportunity to learn life skills, get a good education and better their circumstances. If you are already our financial partner, thank you and please continue. If you have not yet joined us in giving, if you are able, please help. It is not about our staff, buildings, programs or me – it is about the kids that call Harvest “home” in both Virginia and Mexico. They all say “Thank you” and “Gracias”!