A large portion of Harvest’s operating budget is earned from charitable donations.$1,075,000 per year must be fundraisedto meet our operational needs. Our advancement department has the critical responsibility of reaching donors with the Harvest story. Several methods are used to accomplish this vital task. Our newsletter, “Seasons,” keeps donors informed of current events, success stories, an needs of the ministry. TV commercials, billboards, newspaper, and radio public service announcements are designed to increase public awareness of our purpose and mission. Several advancement representatives are available to make presentations about the ministry to churches and civic organizations.
Each year Harvest conducts special fund-raising campaigns. These campaigns encourage churches, businesses, civic groups and individuals to provide special contributions to assist with building projects or future expansion. Individuals and groups are encouraged to visit the home on designated tour days. These days provide an opportunity for donors to do something special for the home by providing much needed in-kind products such as canned goods, cleaning supplies, and household items.
Harvest also hosts an annual Christmas Celebration. Sponsors from across the region gather together on one day to give their sponsoring child the Christmas of a lifetime. Each child receives his/her own Christmas tree complete with lights, decorations, and gifts. Churches interested in “adopting” a child should contact the Advancement Office at (276) 546-4400. If your church or organization would like to hear more about our ministry, or to make a tax-deductible contribution contact our Advancement Director.
Martha A. Stone, MA, Advancement Director
Office: Stickleyville, VA • 276-546-4400 • martha@harvestccm.org
Ms. Stone joined Harvest Child Care Ministries in 1994. She received her Bachelor of General Studies from East Tennessee State University and her Masters Degree in Counseling from Liberty University. She has previously served the Youth Departments of two Free Will Baptist Churches and has been active in the Free Will Baptist Ladies' Auxiliary on the local and district level. Currently, Martha oversees our advancement staff and coordinates our fund-raising programs. Martha is the mother of two and grandmother of six. She and her husband Rick reside in Mt. Carmel, TN along with their two granddaughters Kaitlin and Anna.
Linda Stepps, Advancement Representative (North Carolina)
Office: Grimesland, NC (252) 758-7766 james@harvestccm.org
Mrs. Linda Stepps ministered beside her husband, James, for 30 years as he pastored Free Will Baptist Churches. In 1999, James and Linda joined the Harvest Advancement Team. They ministered to the churches and families in North Carolina until Mr. Stepps death in 2013. Linda Stepps continues to work and minister in North Carolina. Linda, has three children, four grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Rev. & MRS. Carl Miller, Advancement Representatives (North Carolina)
Office: Wendell, NC (828) 768-5664 Carl@harvestccm.org
Harvest Child Care Ministries welcomes Rev. and Mrs. Carl Miller to their Advancement staff in North Carolina. Carl was born and raised in Olive Branch, IL. He was saved at the age 15. Mary was saved at the age of nine. After meeting in a church service, they were married in 1981. After answering the call to preach, Carl attended and graduated from Welch College in 1990. Since that time, he has pastored churches in several states and most recently pastored in North Carolina for 12 years. Carl and Mary have two daughters and one granddaughter. The Miller’s currently reside in Wendell, NC. Please call Carl at 828-768-5664 at his office in North Carolina or at the main office in Duffield, VA at 276-546-4400.
Office: Ethel, WV (304) 752-0988 Jon@harvestccm.org
Mr. Luther joins the Harvest Advancement Team working in churches and conferences located in West Virginia. He has an Associate’s Degree in Business Accounting from Southern WV Community and Technical College. Jon and his wife, Teresa, attend Bright Star Free Will Baptist Church where they established and worked with the Youth Department since 1995. Jon and Teresa reside in Ethel, WV. They have three children and one grand-daughter.